Monday, August 12, 2013

The Secret to Selling Your Books on Amazon

Do You Want to Know a Secret

Who doesn't want to know the secret to selling your books on Amazon? I know I do, and I am about to let you in on the secret. 


If there is a secret to becoming a best seller, or selling lots of books on Amazon, I haven't found it. Promotion can only take you so far, and the main thing you can do to sell books is to write a good book. You need to write the best you can, and then read it, change things, and read it again. Have someone else read it, and change it some more. Have an editor edit the crap out of it, do those edits, and then send it to them for a second edit. Have at least ten people read over it to see if you missed anything, and if something doesn't make sense. 

I know how you feel finding out there isn't a secret.

I know what you are thinking too, that is a lot of writing and reading to go through for one book. YES IT IS!! You want your baby to be as close to perfect as possible when it goes into the reader's hands. These people have paid money for your book, and if you just slap something together and throw it up, you better believe they are going to want their money back. Not only are they going to want their money back, they are going to tell everyone not to read it. They should. If you didn't think it was worth taking the time to make it perfect for them, or as perfect as possible, then why do you deserve for them to pay their money and spend the time it take to read through it?

Now here's a disclaimer. I do not think I am perfect, I don't know everything about publishing books. My books are not best sellers, and trust me I promote, I have really great bloggers and friends who help me share, and I work tirelessly on my books to make sure they are out there being their best. So, I don't want you to think I am doing everything right. I just want you to know, there is no secret to selling except WRITE GOOD BOOKS! I hope this encourages you to give your writing all you have, and make it the best it can be before you throw it to the wolves. 

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